Penny Rich


  1. 10 pennies per student

How to Play:

Give each student 10 pennies. The object of the game is to have the highest amount of pennies before the time is up. Students must challenge each other in mini competitions in order to win. They can only win one penny at a time. They must accept any challenge given to them. They cannot win or lose multiple pennies during a single challenge. Either let them have free reign or the much safer option: give them a list of challenged to choose from.

Potential Challenge ideas:

  1. Thumb Wrestle
  2. Rock Paper Scissors
  3. Staring Contest
  4. Finger Jousting


  1. End the game before your teens start to get bored.
  2. Keep an eye out for the wallflowers of the group. There's a danger they'll give all their pennies away as soon as they're able.
  3. Play some music during this game!
  4. Pair this Chin Championships, Pass the Penny, and Make it Float for Abraham Lincoln Appreciation night.


Let us know in the comment section if you have any more ideas for potential challenges!