

  • 1 roll of plastic wrap per team

How to Play:

Give each team a roll of plastic wrap. Teams shouldn't be too big (maybe around 5 or so per group would be the best limit to set). Have teams designate one person on their team to be the inchworm. The team will work together to wrap this person in plastic wrap from head to toe, feet together, arms down at sides. When the teams are finished plastic wrapping, have a leader and several teammates help to lay the inchworm down on the ground. Have the inchworms race from one side of the room to the other. WARNING: Students being wrapped will not have the ability to catch themselves if they begin falling. You must have a spotter (preferably a leader) at all times to prevent serious injury. Don't be a fool. Otherwise this is will be your next parents meeting:


  1. Have a spotter for every person being wrapped in plastic wrap.
  2. Have students use the whole roll and cover the whole body (not the face).
  3. If you have a bigger group, play this as an Up Front Game and have your leaders wrap the students.
  4. Make sure students wrap their inchworms with their feet together. This ensures that no one has an unfair advantage.