Chain Reaction


Teams work to make a chain reaction with a variety of objects

Pro Tips:

  • Make sure you have A LOT of supplies/objects for each team to work with.

  • Plan for a good amount of time as students will need to plan, test, and rebuild their machines multiple times as they make adjustments.

  • Consider giving each student a large storage container filled with contents.


  • Ropes, String, Playing Cards, Dominoes, Books, Pulleys, boards for levers and ramps, paper towel rolls, marbles, balls, toy cars, action figures, colored pencils (thin cylindrical items could be used as rollers), etc.

How to Play:

You split the participants into two teams. Each team receives a box full of object. The team that makes the most creative reaction chain and uses the all the object that it can will win. Of course, it’s got to work right too!

It’s basically a Rube Goldberg Machine!

The credits for this idea go to: Emanuel Giurgiu, a leader from Royal Rangers Romania Outpost 5 Turda :)